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Planetary Spells & Rituals Page 9

  Stepping Back & Further Application

  You are likely to be utilizing this spell in the case that other methods of communication have gone awry. Perhaps you have tried to communicate with certain gods or spirits but are having insecurities and doubts as to the effectiveness of those communications. Perhaps you’ve been trying to get your message across to a friend or loved one but have been at a loss for words. Maybe you’ve tried letter-writing but your point still didn’t get across as intended.

  If you seem to be having communication issues with another person in particular, step back and analyze the reasons. Miscommunication occurs between two parties: the deliverer and the receiver. In what ways could you be misreceiving the message? For what reasons could the other person be misperceiving? Keep in mind that both you and the other party are under a similar Universal law: our perceptions are greatly formed by our experience. As an example, my own definition of the word sister may be drastically different from your own, and is greatly defined by our individual experiences of the past. Such differing definitions can cause baffling misunderstandings. When communicating, don’t be afraid to reword things in other peoples’ terms.

  If you are wishing to eloquently communicate with a disembodied entity or god (rather than with another person’s subconscious), I highly suggest this spell. If one wishes to communicate with the spirit of a departed human, I suggest only performing this spell for personally therapeutic reasons. Souls of the dead may not actually receive the written information, as they best respond to being spoken to directly (much as they would in human form). However, one may wish to subtly communicate unspoken, subconscious messages via this method.


  • an orange candle

  • parchment paper

  • a pen, pencil, or quill and ink

  • a paper envelope

  • an orange pencil, crayon, or marker

  • a freshly picked dandelion

  • a burning bowl or heat-safe bowl


  • When writing the letter, feel free to use symbols, drawings, or non-word words. This spell is focused on communicating intention.

  • If a fresh dandelion is absolutely unavailable, substitute a “puffy” dandelion or dried dandelion root.

  • If working with a spirit or god, you can anoint the paper with various oils attuned to the spirit’s energy after writing the message, or with oils imbued with your intent to help carry the message.


  Begin by casting a circle, calling the quarters, chanting, or raising energy as you normally would, performing protective exercises, and altering your consciousness. Clear your mind, bring focus to your breath, and meditate for at least a few minutes. When ready, begin the spell.

  After lighting the candle, repeat the name of the person or entity you are wishing to receive this “astral letter” to. In a loud voice, say their name 8 times.

  Pick up the paper and writing utensil and begin writing your message. Address it as if they will be formally reading it, and take time to formulate your words. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind exactly as you see the situation. Use whatever words or terms communicate the messages, and be as deep as you’d like.

  When you’ve finished writing the letter, sign it and read it over. If you’ve made any mistakes or wish to add or cross out anything, do so now. Once satisfied, fold the letter 3 times, ensuring that the letter will be able to fit in the envelope after being folded. Say:

  Folded thrice, folded fast,

  through present, future, and past.

  Threefold message, break the chains,

  Mercury deliver this through the planes.

  Open the letter again. You will now notice that the folds have created 8 boxes. Take your orange writing utensil and, in each of these 8 boxes, draw the symbol for the planet Mercury.

  After placing the dandelion in the center of the paper, refold the letter (in halves or thirds is fine) and seal it in the envelope. Drip wax from the orange candle on the envelope’s back to put a final “seal” on it, and blow it dry.

  Next, address the letter to the recipient. Write their name (full name and/or spiritual name) on the front of the envelope and address it any way you’d like.

  Finally, light the letter on fire from the flame of the candle. When the flame starts to near your hand, place the letter in the bowl and allow it to finish burning. Keep igniting the paper with the candle, if necessary. While this is happening, repeat the following 8 times:

  Delivered to you there, sent off by me here,

  [Name], you get this message loud and clear.

  When the letter is completely burned, close the circle as you normally would.

  Slanderous words can be very hurtful. It can be even more hurtful to discover that people have been saying such things without your knowledge, especially if such talk is a direct betrayal of trust, confidence, or emotional security.

  Gossip is part of life. Inevitably, people will discuss others behind their backs. Not everything that is said about another person is gossip, even if it’s perceived as such. Part of our culture, particularly in American culture, includes the discussion of those we have come in contact with, take issue with, or otherwise observe. For many people, simply sharing views about another person (whether a friend, coworker, relative, or celebrity figure) can be a platform to observe, compare, and contrast perceptions. Personally, I see no problem with this.

  Gossip, on the other hand, can be defined as cruel, critical, two-faced slander. If a person is willing to share deprecating views and insults about another person, yet would not say them to the face of the person being discussed, gossip is occurring.

  While we need some amount of ego, or “I” identification, to function in this world, a number of psychological factors can lead to the exaltation of the “negative ego.” This aspect of ego is both selfish and survivalistic.

  One reactive product of fear is the desire to elevate one’s own social standing by any means necessary. Unfortunately, one of the easiest ways to do this is to criticize another person or group of people. Such attacks are unwarranted and can injure a person in numerous ways.

  Gossip leads to rumors. Rumors lead to even taller tales. This cycle can play out for a long time, and can permanently damage a person’s reputation or social standing. What’s more, a person’s gossip may not only consist of a discussion of their viewpoints, but may actually originate from tall tales and lies. What’s worse is that some compulsive, pathological liars don’t even realize that they’re making things up (which is a result of a psychological condition). The social game is indeed complicated, and one must take the most impartial stance possible to correctly analyze a situation of gossip. In all of this, compassion is key.

  This spell is focused on bringing malicious and uncalled-for gossip to a stop. There are, of course, many non-magickal methods that can assist in halting such slander, but a spell like this can aid in the process by projecting energy to an intended outcome. As with all projected intentions, the Universe will follow the path of least resistance in order to manifest the energy being sent.

  Stepping Back & Further Application

  As I mentioned earlier, when gossip is an issue, it’s essential for the person being discussed to take an objective stance. From this position, one can most accurately assess the situation. Is there really gossip happening here, or has there simply been a miscommunication somewhere along the line? For what reasons would the other person drag your name through the mud, and did they mean to? Is this person only repeating what they heard from someone else? Did you receive wrong information as a result of a “he said/she said” circle? What part did you play in all of this?

  It’s easy to emotionally overreact to gossip. Using a humble, self-analytical approach, try to see if you are truly a victim of gossip or if the other person�
��s intention is genuine. Are the rumors based in fact, simple misunderstanding, or the intention to harm? Is the purpose of the gossip to actually cause you harm or social embarrassment? It may not be.

  Though it’s easy to react with anger, compassion is one of the best approaches when dealing with a situation of slander and mudslinging. Compassion is also one of the most pure and spiritual approaches a person can take in the face of adversity. If the gossiper wants you to react in anger or cause you upset, wouldn’t compassion and even disinterest in the gossip be your best defenses?

  Another good step before doing a spell of this sort is to try talking to the person to see things from their perspective. If you are operating under your own misunderstanding when you perform this spell, you may be further damaging the situation, utilizing spellcraft for the sake of revenge. This would not be an intelligent use of magick. If one casts this spell with more force and anger than is necessary, more harm than good could come about in the long run. Cultivate objectivity and understanding before energetically tying someone’s tongue.


  • a yellow candle

  • a blue permanent marker

  • a long, fresh, unbroken leaf of either mullein or hound’s-tongue

  • the “essence” of the person or people creating the gossip (see Notes)

  • 2 needles or pins

  • 64 inches of black thread

  • a beryl stone (see Notes)

  • any combination of the herbs clove, devil’s shoestring, and slippery elm


  • If a fresh, unbroken mullein or hound’s-tongue leaf is unavailable, find a different plant and get a long, fresh leaf that looks somewhat like a tongue.

  • Beryl stones include the following: emerald, aquamarine, bixbite, heliodor, maxixe (a type of beryl), morganite, goshenite, and golden beryl.

  • The “essence” of a person, also called ousia, is anything that carries their energy pattern, including DNA (such as hair, fingernail clippings, and excretions), or that has come in contact with the person (this is the Law of Contagion, and can include a person’s possession, footprint, handwriting, and so forth). A person’s essence can also be tapped into by creating a picture or poppet of the person, or by simply writing their name and focusing on them.


  Begin by casting a circle, calling the quarters, chanting, or raising energy as you normally would, performing protective exercises, and altering your consciousness. Clear your mind, bring focus to your breath, and meditate for at least a few minutes. When ready, begin the spell.

  Light the candle and grab the marker. On the upper side of the leaf, write the name of the person or people who are spreading the gossip. Place the “essence” of the gossiper on top of the leaf. Press these firmly between your palms and declare:

  As this leaf was once of the earth, it is now the gossiping tongue of [Name].

  Take the leaf between the thumb and index finger and run it slowly through the flame of the candle. Say:

  Tongue of flame: Spitfire,

  your words of slander come to a halt.

  No more shall you speak such rotten words of me.

  Back-biter, two-facer, shit-talker, trust-breaker, STOP!

  [Name]: DOMEM!


  Immediately roll up the leaf and stick the needles into the roll. The needles should pierce through the leaf in an X formation, securing it tightly.

  Take the thread and begin wrapping it around the leaf and pins in a counterclockwise fashion. While you are doing this, wrap the stone and pieces of the herbs along with it, binding their energy to that of the leaf.

  Once the thread has run out and the herbs and stones are securely bound to the piece, drip a good amount of candle wax on the thread and press it firmly. While the wax is drying, say:

  Your words against me are useless.

  Your tongue is tied, your gossip bound.

  Your slander has no place here.

  [Name]: DOMEM!


  Close the circle as you normally would, and deposit the spell somewhere that the person will come close to it without actually seeing it (such as buried near their property or hidden by their desk at work).

  One of Mercury’s specialties is travel. As the planet Mercury is the closest to the Sun, its energy is believed to be swift, voyaging, and communicative. One can call forth these agile vibes when constructing a spell or prayer to aid in travel.

  Whether it be via plane, train, or automobile (and sometimes even foot or bicycle), Mercury can be a guide and protector for travelers. I draw on Mercury’s energy when doing any sort of physical travel and find the energy to be invaluable. Even during astrological Mercury retrograde cycles, the planet’s influence is there to be intelligently utilized. Of all the planets, Mercury goes retrograde most often because it’s the closest to the Sun, rotating more quickly than the other planets. Retrogrades can make a planet’s general energy feel topsy-turvy or backwards from the Earth perspective and are also said to draw the planet’s energy more deeply inward. People are affected by retrogrades and other planetary shifts at differing degrees of intensity—this is greatly dependent on the makeup of one’s natal chart.

  This spell is for creating a Mercury-aligned spellbag. This bag can be carried during any type of travel and can be reimbued with Mercurial energies at any time. It would be a good idea to check an ephemeris or zodiacal planner to ensure that the planet Mercury is direct when this spell is either constructed or recharged. Though it’s certainly possible to draw on Mercurial energies during a retrograde, it’s more advisable to do so when direct.

  This sachet spell isn’t restricted to physical travel. Physical traveling is only one type of travel! Perhaps you’d like to use the bag when performing astral projection, or to help in your process of learning astral travel. Maybe you’d prefer to keep the bag close when performing trance-channeling sessions, voyaging through entheogenic shamanic work, or achieving ritual Gnosis.

  Because sleep and dreaming are a connection between this world, our minds, and other planes of consciousness, you may wish to keep this as a “safety in sleep” charm. There are a multitude of uses for a Mercurial spellbag, and its intended purpose is entirely up to the caster!

  Stepping Back & Further Application

  This is one of the most general, personally tailored spells in the book. Because you can intend it for any sort of “traveling” purpose, you may want to make a list before performing the spell. Get creative and brainstorm different ways this spellbag can be utilized.

  Drawing on the bag’s medicine is quite easy: simply keep it next to you. When you feel the need to utilize the bag’s medicine, bring it to your face and smell it; this instantly pulls the intended vibrations into your body and energy field. You can also meditate with this bag before trips of any sort, or you can hang it from the rearview window, stash it in a luggage bag, or hang it next to the bed.

  Though Mercury can provide protection during both physical and astral travel, still ensure that you take every safety precaution you can when doing traveling of any sort. Put on your seat belt, wear a helmet, don’t abuse substances, keep yourself in check during trance states, get enough sleep, and blah, blah, blah. You know the drill.


  • paintbrush

  • dragon’s blood ink

  • a small sheet of aluminum foil

  • a blue or orange permanent marker

  • a small orange or blue drawstring bag

  • 1 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon

  • any combination of the herbs anise, ash leaf, cat’s claw bark, comfrey, High John the Conqueror root, Irish moss, kelp, mugwort, oakmoss, olive leaves (or a dried olive), pennyroyal, seaweed, Spanish moss, and wormwood

  • 1 stone each of aquamarine (or
emerald), moonstone, tiger’s eye, and turquoise


  • One simple way to recharge this bag is by meditating with it and envisioning it glowing orange. Hold it to your mouth and intone the word Mercury into the bag (as well as any prayers or intentions you wish to enchant it with), or get creative and charge it up via your preferred method.


  Begin by casting a circle, calling the quarters, chanting, or raising energy as you normally would, performing protective exercises, and altering your consciousness. Clear your mind, bring focus to your breath, and meditate for at least a few minutes. When ready, begin the spell.

  Remove your shirt (if you’re not already skyclad) and any undergarments. Dip your paintbrush into the ink and draw the symbol for Mercury on your torso. Make the symbol very large, with one nipple at each “horn” of Mercury’s upper crescent. Draw the circle from there to a couple inches above your navel, and create the bottom cross so that it intersects at your bellybutton.

  Lie down and let the ink dry. Next, grab the aluminum foil and draw symbol 5 with marker. On the reverse side, draw symbol 6. Fold the foil three times and place it in the bag.

  Add the cinnamon to the bag and declare 8 times:

  This charm is of Mercury!

  Add the remaining herbs to the bag and state:

  Bag of travel, be with me.

  Bag of voyage, guide me.

  Bag of change, surround me.

  Bag of the planes, navigate me.

  Bag of Mercury, protect me.

  So mote it be!