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Planetary Spells & Rituals Page 8

  By moonstone three, thus shall it be,

  By moonstone four, ’tis strengthened more,

  By moonstone five, so may it thrive,

  By moonstone six, this spell I fix,

  By moonstone seven, the stars of heaven,

  By moonstone eight, the hand of Fate,

  By moonstone nine, these powers are mine!

  On the inner side of the fresh plant leaf, take the marker and write IAΩ. Drizzle the bay oil on top of these letters and roll up the leaf, tying it with the purple thread. Place this and the feather inside the bottle and fill it up the rest of the way with the herbal mixture.

  Cap the bottle tightly and drip the purple and white wax around the edges to additionally seal it.

  On the label for the bottle, draw symbol 4 and adhere it to the glass. Cover this label with the transparent tape to ensure that it doesn’t smudge.

  Sit the bottle upright and cup your hands above it. Say:

  Psychic powers, divination,

  I summon the force of all creation.

  Empower these items, empower them right,

  that I may See through the darkest night.

  Bound to me, this creature of Earth and glass,

  that I bear witness to the present, future, and past.

  With this spell my divination’s strong:

  to help others in need I mustn’t be wrong.

  Through Moon and Earth and third eye alight,

  this bottle shines magick both day and night.

  May I always get vision; may I always See,

  as I will, so mote it be.

  Press the bottle to your brow (the Ajna chakra) and meditate for a few minutes. Envision the bottle and your third eye being connected by a 3-inch-wide indigo-colored etheric cord. Envision the bottle surrounded with this vibrant color and, when ready, slowly put down the bottle and close the circle as you normally would.

  When looming decisions rule our thoughts, it can benefit us to utilize magick for the purpose of discovering the best possible course of action. Indecision can be a heavy weight. Not knowing what to do with oneself can lead to all varieties of anxiety. Yet, following through on one path or another can be damaging if the person isn’t fully committed or sure of themselves. This spell can help the caster come to learn their destined route and grow secure in the decision.

  Spiritually and mythologically, crossroads can refer to a number of things. The best way to analyze the term is by understanding the symbolism: two crossing roads, or a fork in the road, signifies two paths. These paths can be spiritually seen as those which intersect “this” with “that.” These polarities can represent any two differing ideas, paths, or realms. The most popular idea is the perception of the crossroads being an intersection between this world and the faerie world. Other cultures have long viewed the crossroads as gateways between the realm of the living and that of the dead. Others view the crossroads as the intersection between good and evil forces. Mythologically, the Greek goddess Hekate and god Hermes seem to be those most prevalently associated with the crossroads. Numerous African gods (in Vodoun and other systems) have crossroads associations. In Hoodoo, many practitioners view the crossroads not only as a boundary between worlds, but a place where magickal spells can be placed or buried either for the purpose of fixing/sealing them or destroying an enemy’s curse. This may be due to the fact that the crossed roads form an X, or because the roads are assumed to be frequently traveled on (thus carrying forth or “stomping down” energies).

  One can utilize the intersection of two paths for a variety of purposes. Because some lunar deities have crossroads associations, and because the crossroads are generally visited for magickal work during the hours of night, the symbolism is frequently aligned with the Moon. Just as the Moon is the illuminated eye in the darkened sky, so may this spell provide the practitioner with the clarity to find their way.

  Stepping Back & Further Application

  You find yourself at a crossroads in life for a reason. For starters, one must step back from their mental turmoil to see something for what it really is. Is the decision really a big deal, or are you blowing it out of proportion? Is the choice black or white, or is there a balanced middle ground that outweighs the two choices? Are there more options to be considered, and are those options mutually exclusive?

  Sometimes the answer to a difficult question is the most simple option. Sometimes the answer is already known, and the seeker is just looking for the confirmation they need; this spell can work in that regard. However, be open to the possibility of receiving messages that contradict your opinions or expectations. Objectivity is a necessity when divining on a situation, whether your own or someone else’s.


  • 5 fresh, organic apples

  • chiastolite, saturolite, or another “cross stone”

  • an athamé or knife

  • your most accurate deck of tarot cards or other divinatory tool


  • This spell is designed to be performed at a crossroads. It is best to find two intersecting dirt roads or paths in nature. I’ve found the most ideal crossroad locations to be cemeteries, parks, and mountain trails. The spell is best performed at midnight or 3 am while the Moon is full. Finally, be sure that you are alone (as long as safety allows) and undisturbed.

  • If you are used to working with deities of the crossroads, you may wish to additionally call on their assistance for this spell. Don’t forget to bring proper offerings! For example, if you are working with Hekate, ideal offerings include honey, snake skin, black dog fur, yew, poplar, hazel, cypress, willow, myrrh, almond, lavender, poppy, and aconite.

  • The colors red and black are traditionally associated with the crossroads in Africa. It would be ideal to wear these colors when performing the spell.


  Begin by casting a circle, calling the quarters, chanting, or raising energy as you normally would, performing protective exercises, and altering your consciousness. While sitting in the middle of the crossroads, clear your mind, bring focus to your breath, and meditate for at least a few minutes. When ready, begin the spell.

  Place one apple on each intersecting road. Make sure that the fifth apple is either standing upright on the “cross stone” next to you, or is resting on the stone in your lap. On this fifth apple, use your athamé to carve an X on one side and a Y on the other.

  Now that the apples surround you in a square, raise your hands and, either closing your eyes or gazing at the Moon, whisper:

  Gods, ancestors, spirits, devas, fae . . . those who guard and protect the crossroads . . . I summon your presence and ask you to bear witness to this divination. Guide me in my way, guard me on my path—may I know the route I am meant to take. Utter the answers I seek. Whisper solutions in my ear. Possess my mind not with glamour, but with solutions.

  So mote it be.

  At this point, you may call forth any crossroads-associated deities you wish to work with. If you work with any spirit guides or spirit animal helpers, summon their aid. After this, declare:

  The question I have is this: [state your dilemma]. What path shall I take?

  Close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you. Take note of anything applicable that you might hear. After a few moments, say:

  If I was to take the road of [state one possibility], what would be the result?

  Quiet your mind and listen for any answers or signs around you. The wind may pick up, an apple might roll over, a car might blare its horn, and so on. Take note of any synchronicity and determine whether or not it’s divine communication. After a few moments, draw a tarot card or divine with the tool of your choice. Take note of any messages you may receive. Be careful to read the signs not in the way that you wish to see them, but in the way that the spirits intend.

  Repeat the two previous steps for as many “pos
sible solutions” as you have in mind. When you’ve divined on each potential outcome, say:

  Are there additional possibilities in this situation—those I have not previously considered?

  Again, listen to the signs and divine for as long as you need. Eat the apple in front of you and meditate on the messages received. Try blurring your eyes and gazing into the “cross stone” in order to see if any additional messages are waiting to be scryed.

  At this point, you should have a more clear direction of the path you should walk. If you didn’t get a direct answer of the best possible outcome, take note of the messages you received and continue to practice “informed contemplation” until you make the decision (or realize the decision, I should say).

  Thank all entities present for their assistance in your ritual and close the circle as you normally would. For offerings, leave the apples where they are, placing the core of the eaten apple in the center. Without looking back, walk away from the crossroads the same way you came.

  As mentioned in the previous spell, the Moon is the illuminated eye in the darkness and can be energetically utilized for purposes of clarity and revealing. If you find yourself in a situation that requires a revelation of truth, this spell may be ideal.

  This spell is predominantly focused on seeing the intention of others. If there exists the potential that you’re being lied to, for example, it’s only natural to want to break this illusion and get to the heart of the issue. I’ve used similar spells to help reveal the actual intentions of others and can attest to its effectiveness! Many factors contribute to a person’s desire to glamour and deceive those around them. Just the same, one’s own gullibility is likewise problematic. Personally, in my younger days, I used to believe literally everything a person told me. I was malleable, persuadable, and easy to deceive, and a number of people took advantage of me because of it. I naturally expected everyone around me to be as honest as I was! Unfortunately, this caused turmoil and had great “reality check” consequences down the road. Once the lesson was learned, discretion and discernment became my indispensable companions.

  This spell can help a person learn truth in the face of possible deception from another person or group of people. Similarly, one can use this spell to reveal truth about an issue that may or may not involve another person. A situation may have occurred that remains unclear. In this case, one must craft the spell while thinking of the event that took place and its possible reasons for occurring. For example, the reason for the death of a loved one (human or animal) may be unknown. With enough effort, this spell can assist in revealing the cause, and should be considered an aid to the active seeking of truth in the situation.

  Mystery is part of life, particularly in terms of the larger questions of existence. One shouldn’t desire to know everything; some questions are best left unanswered. Before performing this spell, consider the importance of the unclear issue. Is it something that will naturally reveal itself in time, or do you deserve to have the answers revealed to you as quickly as possible? This spell is mostly designed to combat confusion. When performing this spell, a person should be open to multiple possibilities, including those that may have not been previously considered.

  Stepping Back & Further Application

  If your desire to perform this spell comes from your interactions with another person or people, first consider the deeper issues. For what personal motivations would someone lie to you? Do they feel it’s for your greater good, or are they lying for their own gain? If it’s for reasons of personal gain, are they trying to get something from you, such as resources, information, or approval? Is it to gain attention or perceived self-importance (a negative aspect of ego)?

  Perhaps the answer is easier than you think. Why is the situation unclear, and what options have you not considered? It’s essential not to jump to conclusions. Instead, open your mind to all possibilities, both positive and negative. Additionally, keep in mind that few things are black or white, and that there are two (or more) sides to every story.

  If this spell is a response to a perpetual situation (such as your regular interaction with a friend, coworker, or family member), keep analyzing the signs. Pay close attention to the other’s claims and search for signs of justification. Subtly get inside the other person’s head to learn their intentions. Most importantly, know your own intentions.


  • a few large potatoes

  • an athamé or knife

  • a purple drawstring sachet bag

  • 9 small tiger’s eye stones

  • a handful of sunflower seeds

  • 1 large moonstone

  • a brewed cup of black coffee

  • any combination of the herbs cedar, eyebright, and marigold (calendula)

  • a lemon

  • a black permanent marker


  • After performing this spell, it’s a good idea to carry this bag on you for as long as necessary. The longer its energy is allowed to merge with your own, the more easily this particular spell will work.

  • If potatoes are unavailable for some reason, substitute dry beans or something else to represent eyes.


  Begin by casting a circle, calling the quarters, chanting, or raising energy as you normally would, performing protective exercises, and altering your consciousness. Clear your mind, bring focus to your breath, and meditate for at least a few minutes. When ready, begin the spell.

  With the potatoes situated in front of you, proceed to carve out 9 “eyes.” Place these potato eyes in the sachet. To match, add the 9 tiger’s eye stones and 9 sunflower seeds (without shells).

  Crack 9 additional sunflower seeds and eat them, adding the shells to bag one by one. Toss in the large moonstone and say:

  Lady Luna: eye in the dark,

  I summon your powers of truth.

  Penetrate through illusion, pierce through confusion.

  May I see this situation for what it is.

  So mote it be.

  Sip the cup of coffee. Between sips, add pinches of the herbs to the sachet, filling it completely. Right before you’re about to take the last sip of coffee, dump it into the bag. Declare the following 9 times, beginning in a whisper and ending in a yell:

  Hail Great Spirit of truth and sight,

  I seek your wisdom on this night.

  My eyes be clear, my intention right,

  may intuition be the guiding light.

  Tie the bag and cup it in your hands while thinking about the issue. See if you get any visions or intuitions concerning the situation at hand. Either way, the spell has started to work and answers may reveal themselves to you in many different ways to come.

  Picking up the lemon and marker, draw 9 large eyes on its skin. Be sure not to smudge them! When finished, set the lemon on the bag and close the circle as you normally would.

  Allow the lemon to sit on top of the bag for at least 24 hours. Afterward, put the lemon in a “seeing” spot of the house (such as on top of the fridge or hanging from the ceiling) and keep the bag close to you for as long as necessary. You might also wish to make some nummy magickal hash browns with the potatoes!


  Zodiacal rulership: Gemini, Virgo

  Color association: Orange

  Sephira: Hod

  Number: 8

  Day: Wednesday

  Archetypes: Magician, Holy Messenger, Scribe, Psychopomp

  Themes: Communication, intellect, study, knowledge, travel,

  perception, logic, dexterity, mystery, technology

  Communication greatly forms our reality and is occurring all the time. From cells in bodies and plants to conversations and reading, from body language to email, from art to music, communication is a constant in reality. This spell is concerned with the communicatio
n between yourself and another.

  Sometimes it’s difficult to communicate in words. Ideas can get bogged down by tangential thoughts. One might have a difficult time forming proper words, or may not want to somehow offend or put off the person they’re talking to. According to the results of a variety of 1971 studies by UCLA professor Albert Mehrabian, 55 percent of communication is based on nonverbal cues (body language, facial expression, etc.), 38 percent is based on the tone of voice being used, and only 7 percent of communication consists of the actual words being spoken. Considering this astounding piece of information, it’s rational to conclude that miscommunication also most easily occurs as a result of nonverbal communication.

  When full communication poses difficulty, I always advocate handwriting or emailing letters to communicate thoughts. This allows the writer to clarify, refine, and formulate words and sentence structures that they may find themselves unable to easily formulate in settings of face-to-face communication. In this day and age of representational facial icons :-) and caricatures =^.^=, the tone of one’s virtual and typewritten communication can be more easily understood. Written emphases help convey tones of messages that could otherwise go undetected or misunderstood. At the same time, written communication is quite limiting and can be easily mistaken without nonverbal cues.

  This spell is not only concerned with communication with other people, but can be utilized to hone communication between the practitioner and an external entity, including a deity, a guardian, or someone deceased.

  Many present-day Catholics perform the age-old practice of leaving notes to saints on folded pieces of paper. These are left in monument sites like caverns and areas dedicated to particular saints, or at the feet of statues. This practice has been carried over since the time of defixione tablature (see page 152) and remains a method of prayer and communication through the planes.

  This spell comes into play if other methods of communication seem to have somehow failed or have been incomplete. This working is concerned with subtle communication. The written messages being transmitted here are purely energetic in nature. This method is both a psychological venting for the practitioner and a magickal style of communication to the subconscious mind or energy pattern of another. You may wish to write things that you want to communicate but don’t feel comfortable doing (“stop being so bloody irrational!” or “I wish you could see how in love with you I am”), or you may wish to write things that you’ve attempted to communicate but that have not gotten through for one reason or another.