Planetary Spells & Rituals Page 29
• If a fresh pomegranate is unavailable for some reason, substitute pomegranate juice in a container.
• This working should be performed at nighttime, ideally an hour before sunrise.
Begin by casting a circle, calling the quarters, chanting, or raising energy as you normally would, performing protective exercises, and altering your consciousness. Clear your mind, bring focus to your breath, and meditate for at least a few minutes. When ready, begin the spell.
On the pomegranate (or container of juice), draw a large symbol of Pluto. Turn off all lights and extinguish any flames so that you stand in total darkness. Close your eyes and resonate 6 times:
Set down the tools and start shedding all your clothing piece by piece. As you drop each item of clothing, say:
I shed this from my body to make way for the new.
Lay on the floor nude and set the pomegranate on your solar plexus (the upper belly beneath the sternum). Hold a rock in each hand and allow your hands to be weighed down. Feel the stones pressing down your hands, close your eyes, and listen to your heartbeat. Imagine this is a drumbeat, pulsing evenly and rhythmically. As you listen to this drum, you slip into a trance. Begin the visualization . . .
You find yourself walking along a path at night. You’re walking very slowly. The crescent Moon and stars above you provide some amount of dim white light. You’re naked and can feel the soft breeze and wet soil beneath your feet. You can smell the damp soil and the night-blooming flowers. You can hear the soft sounds of nocturnal creatures all around—the chirp of a bat, the hoot of an owl, and the call of a coyote or wolf in the distance. It seems as though the animals sense your presence and are welcoming you.
After walking along the path for a while, you see a massive tree silhouetted in the distance. It gets larger and larger as you approach it. Once you reach its base, you extend your hands and can feel the solid wood of the trunk. The trunk must be at least 10 feet across. You’re not sure what kind of tree it is, and it’s too dark to see the leaves, but its mighty presence speaks of raw power.
You notice a hole in the bottom of the trunk just large enough for you to fit in. Getting on your knees, you make your way in. You are instantly plummeted into the deep, dark Earth. In some way, you find yourself effortlessly passing through layers and levels of soil. You can feel the roots of the tree on your sides and can sense worms and other creatures around you. You descend deeper and the Earth gets darker.
Suddenly you stop. You find yourself suspended in a most deep, dark, condensed layer of Earth. In your mind, you declare what it is you wish to surrender. Envision the energy of the thing you wish to leave behind. See it sticking to your body, restricting your movement. Feel the pain and dissatisfaction associated with this energy. In the flash of a moment, you shake your energy body and the sticky matter falls away effortlessly. (At this moment, flip over your physical hands, freeing them. Place your palms on top of the stones.) The energy continues its decent into the Earth, no longer connected to you. In your mind, say:
You are banished, you are released, you are no longer, you are cast to the Earth.
Your intuition tells your energy body to extend its right hand. After doing so, you can feel a hollow space in the Earth. You can feel that there’s a room of some sort just ahead of you. You forcefully kick yourself out of the spot you’re stuck in. You enter the space and see that it’s illuminated with a blinding white light. All you see is white; it’s much too bright to even make out the walls. In your mind, say:
I have released [the released]! In this chthonic place, I invoke [the opposite] into my being! I have offered up the old and replace it with the new! Oh ancient ones in the hollow Earth, hear my calls! I have exorcised the old—for this I must be blessed!
The white light becomes even brighter—more blinding than before. You close your eyes and feel the light entering your body, overwhelming you, filling you with the force you’ve invoked, the equal-opposite antithesis of what you released. This light is sending your energy body into convulsions; its extreme force is filling every cell in your being.
The light has now fully entered your body, imbuing you with the desired power. You suddenly find yourself weightless, floating upward at a great speed. You’re ascending through the layers of the Earth—quickly, and then even faster!
You suddenly find yourself emerging from the hole in the tree trunk that you entered. It’s daytime now. As you stand, you hear birds chirping around you and can see other animals darting in and out of the brush. The Sun illuminates the environment, showing you the trees and the Earth. You see the path on which you came, and you start to make your way back. You’re mesmerized by the beauty of nature all around you as you walk.
The environment beings to blur—you see it slipping away before your eyes. You realize that you are returning to your physical body. Allow yourself to slowly slip back into your body and back into the room. When you’ve fully returned, declare:
Spirits of the Underworld, spirits of Old! I return renewed, endowed with the things I’ve sought! Close now the gates of the Underworld! I am blessed, and I bless you in return!
Clap your hands together 6 times. Bow to the directions, thank the chthonic gods, and close the circle as you normally would. Leave the pomegranate or juice at a tree trunk as an offering and continue to develop your newly given gifts on the physical plane.
The Elements in Magick
Deborah Lipp—The Way of Four
Sorita d’Este & David Rankine—Practical Elemental Magick
Julia & Derek Parker—Parkers’ Astrology
Joanna M. Woolfolk—The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need
Astrology (birthcharts)
Stephanie Jean Clement—Mapping Your Birthchart
(modern astrology)
Kevin Burk—Astrology: Understanding the Birth Chart
(classical astrology)
Witchcraft (general)
Janet & Stewart Farrar—A Witches’ Bible
Raymond Buckland—Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft
Esoteric Qabalah
Dion Fortune—The Mystical Qabalah
Israel Regardie—The Tree of Life
Ceremonial Magick & Hermeticism (general)
John Michael Greer, et al.—Learning Ritual Magic
Franz Bardon—Initiation into Hermetics
Hoodoo, Vodou, & Santería
Catherine Yronwode—Hoodoo Herb & Root Magic
Leah Gordon—The Book of Vodou
Magickal Herbalism
Scott Cunningham—Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
Paul Beyerl—The Master Book of Herbalism
Magickal Stone Work
Scott Cunningham—Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic
Melody—Love is in the Earth
Mark Stavish—The Path of Alchemy
Jay Ramsay—Alchemy: The Art of Transformation
Blake, Deborah. Everyday Witch A to Z Spellbook: Wonderfully Witchy Blessings, Charms & Spells. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn, 2010
Illes, Judika. Emergency Magic!: 150 Spells for Surviving the Worst-Case
Scenario. Gloucester, MA: Fair Winds Press, 2002.
———. Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells: The Ultimate Reference Book for the Magical Arts. New York: HarperOne, 2009
Sun: Leo
Moon: Cancer
Mercury: Gemini, Virgo
Venus: Taurus, Libra
Mars: Aries (and Scorpio, classical astrology)
Jupiter: Sagittarius (and Pisces, classical astrology)
bsp; Saturn: Capricorn (and Aquarius, classical astrology)
Uranus: Aquarius
Neptune: Pisces
Pluto: Scorpio
Zodiacal Qualities in Brief
Aries: newness, leadership, war, aggression, power, force, courage, confidence, rebirth
Taurus: abundance, luxury, beauty, love, lust, the physical plane, stability, preservation, aesthetics, practicality
Gemini: communication, duality, expression, knowledge, adaptability, commerce, the mental plane, study, the arts
Cancer: emotions, empathy, family, the home, protection, caregiving, psychic powers, intuition
Leo: creation, artistic expression, performance, glamour, rulership, dominance, luxury, confidence, optimism
Virgo: analysis, the mental plane, order, details, intellectualism, study, accomplishment, charity
Libra: balance, justice, diplomacy, partnership, beauty, romance, love
Scorpio: transformation, rebirth, the hidden, the extreme, morality, emotional depth, karma, vengeance
Sagittarius: abundance, goals, learning, philosophy, progression, luck, direction, optimism, fortune
Capricorn: work, goals, ambition, discipline, security, opportunity, the public
Aquarius: eccentricity, art, innovation, change, revolution, individuality, creativity
Pisces: emotions, empathy, psychic power, intuition, the dreaming, imagination, perception, renewal
Aries: Ram
Taurus: Bull
Gemini: The Twins
Cancer: Crab
Leo: Lion
Virgo: The Virgin
Libra: The Scales
Scorpio: Scorpion
Sagittarius: Centaur
Capricorn: Goat (or fish-goat)
Aquarius: Water-bearer
Pisces: Fishes
Days of the Week
Sunday: Sun
Monday: Moon
Tuesday: Mars
Wednesday: Mercury
Thursday: Jupiter
Friday: Venus
Saturday: Saturn
Earth: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Earth concerns all things to do with structure: stability, security, sustenance, materials, and physical reality (plant, animal, and mineral).
Air: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Air concerns all things to do with the mind: perception, ideas, intellectuality, study, science, communication, society, and information.
Fire: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Fire concerns all things to do with activity: motivation, invigoration, lust, sexuality, sensuality, passion, confidence, and transformation.
Water: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Water concerns all things to do with intuition: emotions, love, empathy, compassion, healing, psychic ability, astral travel, sleep, and dreaming.
Masculine: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius
Feminine: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces
Cardinal: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
Fixed: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
Mutable: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
Approximate Solar Tides
Consult a yearly ephemeris for exact dates.
Aries: March 21–April 20
Taurus: April 21–May 21
Gemini: May 22–June 21
Cancer: June 22–July 22
Leo: July 23–August 23
Virgo: August 24–September 22
Libra: September 23–October 23
Scorpio: October 24–November 22
Sagittarius: November 23–December 21
Capricorn: December 22–January 20
Aquarius: January 21–February 18
Pisces: February 19–March 20
Body Part Rulerships
Aries: head
Taurus: neck, throat
Gemini: hands, arms, lungs
Cancer: chest, breasts, stomach
Leo: back, heart
Virgo: nervous system, intestines
Libra: lower back, butt, kidneys
Scorpio: genitals
Sagittarius: livers, thighs, hips
Capricorn: bones, knees, joints
Aquarius: circulatory system, ankles, shins
Pisces: feet
Planetary Qabalistic Sephiroth
Sun: Tiphareth (6)
Moon: Yesod (9)
Mercury: Hod (8)
Venus: Netzach (7)
Earth: Malkuth (10)
Mars: Geburah (5)
Jupiter: Chesed (4)
Saturn: Binah (3)
Uranus: Da’ath (11)
Neptune: Chokmah (2)
Pluto: Kether (1)
Sun: yellow
Moon: violet
Mercury: orange
Venus: green
Earth: gold, green-brown, ochre, olive, russet, black
Mars: red
Jupiter: blue
Saturn: black
Uranus: none (ineffable)
Neptune: gray
Pluto: white, ineffable
Planetary Hours
Ablanathanalba, 20
abuse, 54–55, 89, 161, 163
addictions, to break, 134–135, 137–138, 162, 274
Ajna, 70
akashic record, 287
alchemy, 11, 20
Alcoholics Anonymous, 135
altering consciousness, 17–18
alternative healing, 127
ancestors, to summon, 73, 211–213, 220–221, 242, 252, 288
anger, to release, 86, 119, 148, 166–169, 205
animal sacrifice, 252
Annwyn, 292
apathy, 92, 172
Aquarius, 10, 196, 199,
archetypes, 21, 35, 58, 198, 201, 216–217
Aries, 148, 158, 173
art magick, 268–271
art therapy, 58–59
astral pollution, 130, 133
astral projection/travel, 89
astrological/planetary hours, 14–17, 49
athamé, 72–73, 76, 150, 199, 280–282
augury, 66, 256
aura, 4, 131, 232
automatic writing, 95–97
automatism, 96–97
Azræl, 198, 201
banishing, 27, 44, 60–64, 115, 159, 166, 231, 241, 294
base oil, 258
bath, 36, 123, 167–169, 199, 232–233, 252, 254–255
beeswax, 26, 235
Belanger, Michelle, 217, 257
belladonna, 5–6, 45, 199, 204, 277
besom, 245–246
Binah, 196
binding, a spell for, 87, 131, 153, 180, 196, 227, 241, 274, 283–286
birthchart (natal chart), 207
black magick, 104, 153, 225, 229, 232, 284
blood magick, 148–150
body part rulership (zodiacal), 307
BodyTalk, 128
boline, 117–119, 199, 201
Book of Shadows, 150
brimstone, 64, 280
Buddhism, 35, 134, 142–143, 217, 251, 286
camping, 209, 211
14, 54, 130, 167
Capricorn, 13–15, 196–197, 199
chakras, 70, 119
channeling, 89, 95, 258, 270
chaos magick, 22
Charmed (program), 213
Chesed, 172
chicken bones, 226
childhood wounds, 56
Chokmah, 250
Christianity, 35, 161, 172, 217, 219, 234–235, 287, 292–293
chthonic, 149, 153, 297
clarity, a spell for, 66, 71, 74, 92, 112, 291
coffin nails, 117–118, 203–205
compassion, 38, 54, 85–86, 110, 120, 132, 154, 203, 250
cone of power, 48
cord-cutting, 177–179
counseling, 54–55, 168, 234, 258
Covens, 92, 128, 225
cow dung/manure, 130–133
Craft, The (film), 2–3, 40, 283
Crone, dedication as a, 207–212
Croning, a ritual of, 208
Cronus, 197
cross stone, 72–74
crossroads, 54, 71–74, 136, 157, 204, 233, 256
Crowley, Aleister, 22
crystal ball, 66, 265–266
curse, to place, , 152–154, 202–206, 285
curse, to remove, 224–233
Da’ath, 224
Dark Night of the Soul, 172, 250
days of the week (planetary), 11, 21, 305
death, dying, 45, 47, 61, 75, 102, 126, 149, 175, 177, 181, 196–198, 200–201, 213, 215–221, 224, 252–253, 255, 260, 274–281, 286–287, 293–294
Dee, John, 265
defixiones, 81, 152–157
Demiurge, 69, 155
depression, sadness, 6, 92, 119, 148–149, 167, 172–173, 177, 234, 237, 255
Descent of the Goddess, 293
destiny, 2, 5, 22, 207, 274, 278, 280, 283
discipline, 13, 92, 196
divination, 7, 66–68, 70, 72–73, 256, 258, 264–266
DNA, 87, 109, 148, 155, 204, 285, 288
Dr. Buzzard’s Court Case Powder, 113–114
dream interpretation, 260
dream magick, 89, 260–264
Dreaming, The, 220–221
dreams, dreaming, 7, 89, 220–221, 250, 260–264, 268, 288
drum, 18, 50–51, 63, 186, 188, 209, 211, 295
dualities (zodiacal), 6, 15, 306
Duat, 292
dying, to guide the, 216–221
ecstatic dance, 18