Planetary Spells & Rituals Page 27
• The mourning clothing used in this ritual can be up to you. You are dressing for your own funeral. Feel free to go all-out in black, veils, robes, a tuxedo, dress, tie, or whatever you’d like.
• If you’d like to play mournful music during this procedure, you may wish to select extremely depressing classical instrumentals (like Chopin’s Funeral March on repeat), ambient (I recommend Aphex Twin’s Selected Ambient Works volume II, disc 2), or other dark, atmospheric music. This can greatly help the practitioner “get in the mood to die.” It’s best that the music have no vocals.
Begin by casting a circle, calling the quarters, chanting, or raising energy as you normally would, performing protective exercises, and altering your consciousness. Clear your mind, bring focus to your breath, and meditate for at least a few minutes. When ready, begin the spell.
Light the candle, turn off the lights, and turn on the music. Pick up the apple juice and, looking at the glass, declare:
Blessed is this fruit of the Earth. I declare and enchant this as holy poison.
As hemlock, as aconite, as nightshade, as belladonna.
As this enters my body and blood, I hereby sever my old self.
The person whom I used to be now dies with this drink.
[He/She] is no longer.
[He/She] is dead.
Drink the juice and cringe as if it has a bitter, fiery poisonous taste. Lie on the floor. Surround yourself with the elderberriesm then pull the veil over your body and close your eyes. Place one coin on each of your eyelids and cross your hands in an X formation across your chest. Relax every muscle in your body.
When you’re comfortable, “feel” the “poison” coming on, entering your bloodstream, killing and destroying your former self. Your body enters small, quick fits of tremor and convulsion. The poison hurts, and then you relax. Cry, wince, briefly wail. Sense its destruction. You feel extreme pain, and then relax. Once more, and relax. Finally, you die.
Visualize your former self as a sticky astral body, slipping away from your physical self. Feel it separating from you, descending deep into the Earth, never to return again. (Simultaneously allow your mind to remain in your physical body, not descending with the former energy body.) Feel the effects of the “poison“ as your former self ceases to be. It effortlessly slips away from your physical frame to merge with the Earth, its essence feeding the soil. Focus on this until you feel it fully released.
When the essence of your former self is securely and concretely dead and isolated in the Earth, take a series of extremely deep breaths. As you deeply inhale, your body convulses. You gather your strength. You realize that the poison doesn’t affect this body, only the one that’s now dead and buried. You lift yourself up. Immediately stand up and start jumping around. Quickly pick up the glass of wine or grape juice and declare:
Blessed is this fruit of the Earth!
I declare and enchant this as the blood of the gods.
As this enters my blood, I am revitalized. I am reinvigorated. I am reborn!
I declare that I am aligned to my Will! My former self is dead.
I enter the stream of my destiny. I am ready.
So mote it be!
Thank the spirits and close the circle as you normally would.
The term rebirth is thrown around frequently in metaphysical and mystical circles. Quite simply, it refers to a second birth. Numerous religions worldwide utilize the force of a second birth—a spiritual birth—to signify one’s coming into their tradition. Additionally, numerous cultures have coming of age ceremonies, which are rites of passage that secure a person’s entrance into another phase of their life.
Rebirth happens constantly. Cells of the body are continually dying while new ones are being born. The nature of reality is birth, death, and rebirth; everything works cyclically. Nothing exists outside the dance of life and death. In a sense, we are “reborn” every millisecond. We are “reborn“ every time we wake from sleep. We are “reborn“ every birthday. These occurrences are natural. The real significance lies in the rebirth of the spirit. Because the spiritual planes are mirrors of the physical (and vice versa), it’s only proper to assume that the spirit itself has its own cycles. This is also reflected in ideas of past lives and reincarnation.
Initiation ceremonies, whether in Pagan or occult systems or otherwise, quite frequently carry energies of rebirth. As a person enters into a new phase in life, their old self slips away to make room for the new. For every rebirth, a death must precede. This ritual assumes that one has experienced or is in the process of experiencing a spiritual death.
This ceremony of rebirth shouldn’t be performed at any ol’ time. It should significantly and acutely mark a transition phase in a person’s life. No, the ceremony doesn’t initiate a person into any particular rank or title. Instead, it fuels the fire of regeneration and renewal, helping the practitioner spring into new personal and spiritual ground. It may also be good to perform some time after the preceding ritual, “Last (Funerary) Rites: A Ritual Death.”
If you are meant to perform this ceremony or something similar, you will simply have a sense of knowingness. At the same time, you may need to start planning a rebirthing ceremony days, weeks, or months prior to performing it. When life drastically changes directions, it’s important to mark the significance of the shift. Whether your life has done this on its own, or whether you’ve recently entered a new social or spiritual role (father, mother, husband, wife, neophyte, initiate), ritually declaring your new placement in life can be empowering and motivating.
Rites of passage aren’t frequent in the West. We have silly things like Sweet Sixteen parties and prom, but even these “initiatory participants” aren’t given keys to the Mysteries of Life. America and the West could truly benefit by taking hints from other, more ancient cultures and their rites of passage. Perhaps if life changes were ritually marked (and in many cultures, the skin is literally and permanently “ritually marked”), there wouldn’t be so many lost, aimless, and disenchanted souls wandering this Earth.
Stepping Back & Further Application
This ritual should be performed if you have recently experienced a type of spiritual death. Perhaps your old systems of belief have fallen. Perhaps those things you once held on to seem to be slipping away. Maybe you find yourself at a loss for what’s next in your life.
Remember that this ceremony only marks a person’s rebirth; this ceremony is not a rebirth in and of itself. The process of death and rebirth, in a spiritual sense, is just that: a process. A single ritual cannot contain keys for killing and resurrecting one’s being. Even ceremonies that last days or weeks (like a shamanic death rite) can’t contain all a person needs for the process. The ritual is a culmination of everyday experience.
In order to mark a person’s rebirth, they must objectively realize that the Fates are pushing them into new paradigms of being. Like I said, this necessarily includes the death of the former self. Remember that this thing we call “self” or “I” is constantly changing; it is never one thing or another. Life’s process pushes us into new phases of being, and sometimes ritually marking rebirth is the very rite of passage one needs to fully enter their unfolding destiny.
• any combination of the herbs eyebright, High John the Conqueror root, lotus, mistletoe, mullein, Solomon’s Seal root, and thyme
• a stovetop cauldron, Dutch oven, or boiling pot
• about 1/2 gallon spring water
• a small piece of amethyst
• athamé or knife
• 3 yards of inexpensive black or muslin fabric (cotton or another natural fiber)
• a Rose of Jericho (see Notes)
• a 1-inch-square piece of aluminum foil
• a small amount of salt
nbsp; • a small amount of sulfur (brimstone)
• Roses of Jericho, also called “Resurrection Ferns,” are the fern Pleopeltis polypodioides, and are native to the Southeastern United States. The ferns first appear to be completely dead, dried, and shriveled brown but “come to life” when placed in water. The reanimation of this curious plant carries vibrations of rebirth that are suitable to our purposes. These are available at some home and garden stores, witchy shops, and through various online retailers.
• As I mentioned earlier, please refer to the previous spell in this chapter for a ritual death. Some users may find it beneficial to perform a ritual death followed by a ritual rebirth such as this (depending on one’s unique situation and reasons for doing the ritual).
• If you don’t have powdered sulfur available, simply cut the heads off a few matches.
Begin by casting a circle, calling the quarters, chanting, or raising energy as you normally would, performing protective exercises, and altering your consciousness. Clear your mind, bring focus to your breath, and meditate for at least a few minutes. When ready, begin the spell.
Put the herbs in the bottom of the empty cauldron, arranging them to look like the Pluto symbol. Staring at the symbol, start chanting:
Plutonian oceans, wash over me!
I come as seeker, one on the threshold of this and that.
My former self has been dying, and I mustn’t feed it.
I petition your aid, mighty and distant planetary satellite.
Ignite my New Soul—give me New Life!
Pour the water into the cauldron, drop in the amethyst, and put it on the stove. When it is simmering, stare into the mixture and repeat the chant a number of times. Bring the cauldron back to the ritual space to let the mixture cool.
Make sure that the cauldron is put in a safe spot and that no ritual tools (or anything else) are on the floor. Hold the athamé in your fist and stretch out the fabric.
Figure out a way to wrap yourself up tightly in the full length of fabric. Be sure to fully cover your head, arms, and full body. Be sure your hands (including the one gripping the blade) are fully covered. Mummify yourself. If you can manage it, try to make it so tight you can barely move. (But don’t pile too much fabric on your face; let’s avoid suffocation!) Be sure the end of the fabric is tucked in somewhere so it doesn’t become unraveled in ritual.
Lay on the floor. Spend a long time in this vulnerable, restricted state of sensory deprivation. Though it’s uncomfortable, you should be able to breathe just fine. During the time you’re laying in this “cocoon,” contemplate your old self. Think about those aspects of yourself that have been dying. Think about the old patterns that no longer serve you. Think about former modes of behavior, old systems of belief, and aspects of your old self that have slipped away with time. Don’t cling to these. Instead, simply review them in your mind and recognize that you’re transforming into a new level of being.
When the time is right, tightly grip the atham√© and plunge it through the cloth as best you can. Put a lot of force, vigor, and energy into this. Scream and make noise if the mood takes you. (At the same time, be careful that the athamé doesn’t hurt you.) Keep stabbing the fabric from the inside out, creating holes and rips. Force your way out, feeling the energy of rebirth. See yourself struggling to emerge from this cocoon-like shell. As your hands become more free to move, tear the fabric and eventually escape from the cocoon.
When you’ve undone the bind, throw the “shell” behind you. Immediately pick up the Rose of Jericho and, while staring at it, declare:
Plutonian oceans, you are washing over me!
I have come as a seeker, and have discarded that for this!
My former self is dead, and I can no longer feed it.
I now invoke your aid, mighty and distant planetary satellite.
Ignite my New Soul—I enter my New Life. NOW!
Throw the Rose of Jericho into the cauldron. (It will be “bloomed” by the next day.) Pick up the aluminum sheet and place a pile of salt on top. On top of the salt, place a pile of sulfur. Look at the mixture and declare:
MERCURY! SULFUR! SALT! Holy Trinity of Life!
I invoke your essence into my being!
Create me anew. Assimilate my soul!
By the three parts of creation, I align to my Great Work.
I am reborn. NOW! So mote it be!
Close the circle as you normally would. Keep the rose in the cauldron until the brew evaporates and it shrivels back up (don’t worry, it won’t diffuse the energy). Vow to concentrate on your New Self, and empower your path in new ways that nourish your soul.
Although Pluto is technically a dwarf planet rather than a “real” planet, astrologers still recognize its influence and keep Scorpio (the sign with the most deep and secretive energies) assigned to its rulership. Because Pluto is the outermost celestial body, it carries associations of depth, the life cycle, and absolute power.
As an extremely potent influence aligned to Fate, Pluto’s energy can be utilized in heavy spells that have influence on Fate—one’s own or someone else’s. For this reason, a binding spell is quite appropriate for the astrological influence. As always, doing magick on another person carries with it a necessity for exercising personal ethics.
When binding another person, the intention should be protective. If someone’s causing harm and could use a metaphysical restraint, a binding is a great solution. Just the same, magick should only be performed after or alongside proper activity in the physical realm. All protective measures should be taken in mundane life.
As an interesting contrast, the term “binding spell“ also covers a type of ancient Greco-Egyptian spell. As seen in the ancient PGM (Papyri Græcæ Magic√¶) and PDM (Papyri Demoticæ Magicæ), binding was used in a more sinister light in antiquity, most notably for the purpose of binding a desired lover to the magician. The Neopagan form of binding certainly differs, as the intent is generally to manipulate someone’s energy for the greater good instead of toying with destiny for selfish personal gain. While this book does include some cursing spells, parts of which are based on the ancient spells portrayed on papyrus documents, manipulating a love interest is not only karmically dangerous but ethically idiotic! There is never a legitimate need for such a “love” spell, hence the lack of its inclusion.
Binding magick was popularized in the 1996 film The Craft. In it, one of the characters binds another Witch from causing harm. Naturally, all sorts of teens and newbie Witches started trying to magickally bind each other when a problem arose.
Binding spells shouldn’t be performed for fun—the situation should be serious and the intention should be for the betterment of others. Bindings aren’t necessarily cursings, but they are spells of restriction and restraint. Because of this, the spell goes against a person’s free will and can be considered an act of black magick. As I’ve mentioned before, black magick does have its time and place. Serious situations call for serious measures. Just the same, as with any magick, be prepared to accept full responsibility for anything the spell brings about.
Stepping Back & Further Application
What is your reason for wanting to perform a binding on someone? Is it your intention to protect (yourself or others negatively influenced by this person), or is it to dominate? Causing unnecessary injury is not only disrespectful to the energy of Pluto and the gods, but to the other person and yourself.
How can you “bind” this person in the physical realm? Have they broken any laws or engaged in damaging criminal behavior? What other actions can be taken? Do authorities need to be notified, or do the actions warrant a restraining order? If you don’t work on the physical level, the metaphysical work won’t align.
Binding spells are used to stop people who are causing harm. In that sense, it’s positive magick. In another
sense, it goes against a person’s free will, so be sure that putting binding magick on someone really is the best solution. If they’re not causing extreme harm to others, perhaps a different approach is needed. Have you tried talking to the person or solving the problem another way? Use a binding spell as a final effort.
• a black candle
• the “essence“ of the other person (see Notes)
• a black poppet (or an old black sock or piece of fabric that has been made into a doll)
• any combination of the herbs calamus, catsclaw, clove, and ivy (or poison ivy)
• a few yards of all-natural twine (like jute or hemp)
• a piece of black fabric or a black bag (to store the poppet when finished)
• a combination of black salt and white salt or black sand and white sand
• The “essence” of a person, also called ousia, is anything that carries their energy pattern, including DNA (such as hair, fingernail clippings, and excretions), or has come in contact with the person (this is the Law of Contagion, and can include a person’s possession, footprint, handwriting, and so forth). A person’s essence can also be tapped into by creating a picture of the person, or by simply writing their name and focusing on them.
• If you use poison ivy in this binding spell, be sure that you have genuinely good reasons to use this poison in ritual. As opposed to nontoxic ivy, poison ivy carries energies of destruction and toxicity, adding an element of curse to the binding.
Begin by casting a circle, calling the quarters, chanting, or raising energy as you normally would, performing protective exercises, and altering your consciousness. Clear your mind, bring focus to your breath, and meditate for at least a few minutes. When ready, begin the spell.
Light the candle and place the essence of the person on the poppet, ideally in the face area. Beneath that, pile the mixture of herbs. Envision the poppet as a miniature “them“ sitting there before you. Declare: