Planetary Spells & Rituals Page 25
In this vessel, in this womb, my blood is spilled. On all sides of me, my sadness. Oh Spirit, how I wish to leave this plane … to end this life … to cease to be. Deeply I have been thinking of leaving this body … cutting ties to this world … moving to the next experience … This blood surrounding me is the blood of my sorrow. This is the blood of my agony and pain.
Take a few deep breaths and grab the Mixture 1 muslin bag. Soak it in the water and squeeze the drippings all over yourself. Spend quite a few minutes doing this. Throughout, contemplate your reasons for wanting to die. It’s best if you cry and seriously release. If no one’s in earshot, wail, moan, and scream. Mourn your life. Think about the weight of your deepest life issues. Feel the pain of existence. Push the energy of this torment into the water around you—don’t let it dissipate; conduct it. Let the squeezed contents of the bag pull the sadness from your pores. Release.
After you’ve spent quite a few minutes releasing your sorrow into the water, declare:
I find myself on this Earth, in this body, in this place. With reluctance, I know I must be here. I must learn the lessons of Earth. Make me pure, release this agony. Show me the way from this darkest place. Revive my will to live. Illuminate my path. I deserve happiness, I deserve direction, I deserve balance. Get me out of these depths.
Fill the empty jar with the bathwater and squeeze water from the bag into it. Seal the jar and start to drain the bathwater. While it’s draining, repeat:
Afterward, stand up and start the shower. As the water rushes over you, see it cleansing and purifying your pain. Grab the bag that holds Mixture 2 and squeeze its essence all over you. See it purifying and uplifting your spirit. Spend as much time doing this as you’d like. When you emerge from the shower, allow yourself to air dry. Step outside and soak up the energy of the Sun or Moon. Finally, make a list of what you can do to actively and accurately work with your sorrow and regain a footing. The next day, take a trip to a cemetery and dump the bottled bathwater on the ground (but not on someone’s grave), ideally at a crossroads location. Toss out the contents and turn around without looking back.
One of Neptune’s associations is psychic power. Everyone in the world is capable of using psychic power, it’s just a matter of honing it. There are numerous guidebooks and teachers available that can help a seeker fine-tune their psychic power. The recognition of psychic power and its validity dates back to the earliest of times and can be seen in every culture imaginable. Divination, astrology, mediumship, augury, and other psychic work has been performed since the dawn of time.
There is so much superstition and skepticism surrounding the word psychic that the term’s real meaning has been distorted. A common mistake when approaching psychic work is assuming that it’s a separate force from one’s everyday state of mind. Simple things like noticing synchronicity, having intuitions or hunches, or getting a “feel” for something or someone is psychic in and of itself. There are varying degrees of psychic prowess, and different people are born with different psychic aspects and abilities. Still, no level of psychism is unattainable for those who put their mind and heart into the skill.
Physical reality is only one aspect or level of reality. Having a sensitivity to the other, more subtle parallel planes is not supernatural or paranormal. Everything in reality is interconnected. The view of everything and everyone being separate is true in a sense—for example, I know that I am separate from this bookshelf and am a different person than my buddy—but as with all things, there is a paradoxical dichotomy. We share a group mind. Everything shares a similar physical constitution. There is Oneness, even if appearance and function tell us otherwise. As a result, tapping into the “unknown” is really tapping into that which is already known on other levels. If I see something that reminds me of an old friend on Tuesday, and she ends up sending an unexpected email on Wednesday, I’m not surprised: that’s just how it works. The Universe is an immaculate cosmic dance, and it’s only natural to tap into the interconnected energies that bind everything. The degree to which this connection is realized is, however, personal.
Psychic powers are intricately connected with our physical senses: seeing, feeling, hearing, smelling, and tasting. As such, psychic powers and ESP (extrasensory perception) can manifest through these: clairvoyance is the ability to psychically “see,” clairsentience is the ability to “feel” surrounding energies or gain psychic knowledge through touching something, clairaudience is psychic power made manifest through hearing, clairalience is the acquisition of psychic knowledge through smelling or via “phantom smells,” clairgustance is the ability to perceive psychically through “phantom tastes,” and claircognisance is the ability to simply know or have inherent psychic intuition (and is related to clairsentience).
For more information on developing and understanding psychic powers in an occult (read: non-New-Age-fluffy) sense, I highly recommend Michelle Belanger’s The Psychic Energy Codex.
Stepping Back & Further Application
Remember that we are all psychic. Crafting an oil such as this can indeed help awaken powers, but these powers are within our own minds and perceptions. If you feel as though you have no psychic ability, consider that you’ve simply not realized precisely how to ignite the skills inherent in all of us. Monitor how your mind operates in everyday reality: is it self-focused? Focused predominantly on physical reality? On the ego? If so, play with shifting your focus regularly—become a “watcher” more often rather than a “player.” Study psychism and follow up on the methods that personally get you results.
How and when will you use this oil? Unless you are on a regime of deeply studying and developing psychic power, I don’t recommend wearing it daily. Instead, you may wish to reserve the oil for sessions of divination, channeling, before sleep, as a ritual anointing oil, or while counseling others. The choice is yours! Monitor how the oil alters your consciousness and how you can utilize that energetic shift.
Finally, remember that you should not use “fragrant” oil. A good percentage of the ingredients that constitute the word “fragrance” are literally biohazardous waste that have been blended with other ingredients. True essential oil is what we’re going for, not unnatural poison!
• a couple small labels or pieces of tape
• a blue permanent marker
• an amber-colored oil vial
• a combination of the following essential oils (not “fragrant” oils): 1 part lemon, 2 parts rosemary, 2 parts ylang-ylang, 2 parts lemongrass, 2 parts bay laurel, and 3 parts base oil (see Notes)
• a small tiger’s eye stone (small enough to fit in the vial)
• a small combination of the herbs cedar, eyebright, frankincense, mugwort, peppermint, and yarrow
• You will need to dilute your finished oil with at least 30 percent base oil to avoid burning the skin. For this mixture, the 3 parts base oil will exceed 30 percent of the mix (the essentials total 9 parts). Base oil can include grape seed, jojoba, or mineral oil. If none of these are available, you can use olive oil (though it doesn’t keep nearly as long as the others).
• At least 24 hours before using the oil, do a “test dab” on your arm or somewhere. This is to see whether or not you have adverse or allergic reactions to any of the ingredients. Safety first!
Begin by casting a circle, calling the quarters, chanting, or raising energy as you normally would, performing protective exercises, and altering your consciousness. Clear your mind, bring focus to your breath, and meditate for at least a few minutes. When ready, begin the spell.
On a piece of tape or a label, draw symbol 30. On another, draw the symbol of Neptune. Adhere these to the vial. If you have an extra piece of transparent tape, it would be a good idea to put it overtop the symbols so they don’t get smudged if oil spi
lls down the side.
Facing the west, mix the oils together. While you are mixing, chant repeatedly:
Neptune, Pisces, day, and night,
I summon forth my second sight.
When the blend is complete, pour it into the vial carefully. Sit in a crosslegged position, close your eyes, and sniff the blend. While smelling, envision its subtle indigo energy traveling upward. See it entering your nostrils and filling your brain with its power. See it radiating out of your brow and up your head. When you’ve reached a semi-trancelike state, bring the oil away from your nose and envision the energies bursting out like an explosion. See the indigo energy radiating from your head and shining out into every nook and cranny of the world.
Come back to center. Add the tiger’s eye stone, cap the oil and, still facing the west, blur your vision and declare:
This oil ignites my psychic flame,
and can be used again and again.
Neptune, Pisces, powers of the west,
I develop my powers to their mighty best.
There is nothing I cannot know,
there is no skill I cannot grow.
I am psychic; my third eye Sees,
as I will, so mote it be.
Finally, close your eyes again and see the indigo energy that surrounds your face and head. See it returning to the bottle. (Don’t try to redirect the energy you sent outward, only pull the energy around your head into the bottle.) When finished, dab a bit of the oil in the west (on your altar or on the wall) and store the bottle in a dark spot, resting atop the herbal blend. Close the circle as you normally would. Only use this oil when you wish for your psychic powers to come out!
When we sleep, our bodies and minds—and thus our spirits—are rejuvenated. As the arms of sleep allow our minds to drift within themselves, our energy rebuilds and is revitalized. It’s said that sleep is the brother of death—this is likely a reference to the god Hypnos (sleep) being the twin of Thanatos (death) in Greek mythology. We do brush up against the energy of death after every dreamtime, yet we reenter our body, the shell that allows us to function and interact on the manifest plane.
Though many would say that sleep is the “interlude” between moments of waking life, I (with my beloved Pisces Moon!) would like to think that wakefulness is the interlude between moments of rest. The realm of sleep is a magickal place, unbound by the trappings of waking reality.
If you have made the psychic oil from the previous spell, you may wish to anoint your third eye with the blend before bedtime. Incorporating an elixir like this can also be of benefit if you’re trying to gain prophecy and psychic insight from dreams.
I admit that I’m not the best interpreter of dreams. Some people are highly skilled at dream interpretation, however, and I like to get their opinions on the matter if a dream stands out as significant. You may wish to interpret on your own or find someone who’s successful at dream interpretation. There are also numerous books on dream interpretation.
Dreams are made up of many things. Experiences of the day (most of which are subconscious or momentary thoughts) rewind and purge themselves. Hidden thoughts make themselves apparent through symbolism. Interesting scenarios come to life—and even the most unusual dreams are felt and believed as if they’re actually experienced. Indeed, perception (and the mind’s reactions) while dreaming and perception in waking life are not very different. In that sense, dreaming is real.
Rarely do psychic messages in dreams work in a direct, straightforward manner. Because dreams so frequently manifest through symbolism, it’s essential to research those symbols when interpreting dreams that may have psychic significance. Keep in mind that your own symbolic associations are the most pertinent—because you’re the one having the dream! At the same time, it’s a good idea to research universal symbolism. This is simply an aspect of magickal awareness. Because all minds are connected, meanings of symbols (including colors, words, gods, and such) are stored in an unseen superconscious. All “things” have egregores: unseen collective thoughtforms. Different cultures interpret different symbols in different ways. Dreams can be interpreted through personal symbolism, Jungian psychology, crosscultural religious views, and other shared perceptions.
Stepping Back & Further Application
Do you have prophetic dreams? Everyone has experienced this at some point. As with any inherent psychic power, it’s just a matter of honing the skill and becoming more disciplined in bringing it out.
Remember that not every dream that you remember is significant; many are just the results of mental purging. However, there is in infinite amount unseen energy in our unconscious mind, and sleeping is an ideal platform for those messages to become manifest consciously.
Most of us have significant dreams but, upon waking, instantly jump into “this” world and forget about the experiences we just had. Brutal alarm clocks, a rush to get in the shower and wake up, and other time constraints on this plane keep us unfocused on the unconscious and its manifestations. Examine your relationship to dreaming: are your dreams trying to tell you more than you’re actually hearing? Are you prepared to spend a little time each day immediately recording your dreams (even if they make no sense at the time)? Stay disciplined to bring out your psychic dream skills; it will aid in your development as well as the development of those who come to you for dream advice and interpretation.
• 4 unbroken bay leaves
• a blue permanent marker
• about 1 gallon of spring water
• any combination of the herbs bay, dandelion, mugwort, peppermint, poppy seed, rosemary, and rose (flowers or rosehips)
• a stovetop cauldron, dutch oven, or boiling pot
• a large glass jar
• a small amount of brandy
• 1 stone each of amethyst, opal, and tiger’s eye
• a large sticky label
• a bedside dream journal and pen (or recording device)
• Instead of keeping a dream journal, you may wish to keep a recording device by your bedside. I personally prefer this method, because I can press the “record” button and ramble uncensored about the dreams.
• You may also wish to create an affirmation to say before falling asleep every night. A simple example is “Tonight, I will remember and record all of my significant and prophetic dreams.” Every night, repeat this out loud and then in your mind while you drift off into sleep.
Begin by casting a circle, calling the quarters, chanting, or raising energy as you normally would, performing protective exercises, and altering your consciousness. Clear your mind, bring focus to your breath, and meditate for at least a few minutes. When ready, begin the spell.
On 2 of the whole bay leaves, write the words THARA THAR ¯O on both sides. On the others, draw symbol 31 on one side and symbol 32 on the other. Set these aside. Put all other herbs in the cauldron.
Pour about ½ gallon spring water in the cauldron and make your way to the stove (or fire). Boil the mixture until only a small amount of water remains in the bottom. While the brew is bubbling, chant intermittently:
Boil, bubble, transformation,
in dream give me vision and confirmation.
This potion opens the gates of mind,
stretching through space, piercing through time.
Allow the brew to boil until there’s about 1 cup of water remaining. Extract this by straining the herbs. (You can utilize these “used” herbs by either placing them outside, in a stream of water, or dry them and put them in a sachet by your bed.)
Next, fill the jar 30 percent full of brandy. Add the cup of herbal potion followed by the stones. Fill the remaining space with fresh water and cap the jar tightly. Shake it vigorously while once again saying the above chant (replacing
“potion” with “elixir”) 4 times in a very loud voice. Be sure to direct your voice at the bottle.
Write symbol 33 on the sticky label and affix it tightly to the jar. This will aid in causing prophetic dreams and a restful sleep.
Close the circle as you normally would. Keep the bottle by your bedside and take a single sip of the elixir before falling asleep each night, for as long as you desire (however, discontinue use if you notice any adverse reactions). Keep the enchanted bay leaves by your beside (you can hang them up or keep them underneath the elixir jar itself). After a few weeks, begin to smell the jar before you go to sleep—if it smells sour or tainted at all, don’t drink the mixture (however, the brandy should preserve it). Finally, remember to write your dreams down in the journal (or record them on a recording device) immediately upon waking. It doesn’t matter if the dream ramblings make sense when you’re recording them—they can be analyzed later in the day.
Scrying is a type of divination that makes use of a luminescent surface. Scryers gaze at a surface, usually in darkness or near-darkness, to gain vision, prophecy, and insight. Much of this insight appears in the form of symbols, shapes, designs, and patterns, though some psychics and experienced scryers see full scenes play out before their eyes (all three of ’em).
Scrying links one’s unconscious mind to the surface scryed upon. In a sense, it’s subtle projection: the deeper mind projects itself on the surface and the conscious mind interprets. The surface being scryed, then, serves as a bridge between the unconscious and the perceived. Unlike tarot cards, runes, and other divinatory tools, the surface gazed upon is unchanging: it doesn’t reveal meanings by way of direct symbolism or conscious categorization.
One of the forms of scrying within this ritual is a direct scrying in one’s physical shadow. In The Book of Mephisto, Left Hand Path occultist Asenath Mason suggests completely darkening a room and, by the light of a single candle, performing divination in the body’s reflected shadow. This, along with other scrying methods, can be extremely beneficial in reaching into the unconscious mind to retrieve messages. For more information on activating internal shadow work, please refer to the first chapter of Shadow Magick Compendium.