Planetary Spells & Rituals Page 12
With utmost precision, only reality can be perceived.
The scales weigh balanced, the scales weigh fair.
In my favor the cogs of justice turn.
As I will, so mote it be!
Allow the ingredients to sit undisturbed until after the legal proceeding is entirely finished.
The pain of separation is a very difficult thing to deal with. In terms of romantic partnership, separating from someone who was once thought of to be a soul mate or life partner can be emotionally devastating. Though nothing happens without a spiritual reason, the greater picture is difficult to see when parting ways with someone whose connection was originally thought to be a longer-lasting thing.
When separation occurs, idealism falls. Many people build their connections based on an unrealistic sense of who they believe the other person to be. Try as we might, we can never really fully know another person, even if we believe that’s the case.
The emotions that occur after separation are where this spell comes into play. If, rationally, someone knows that the relationship should not continue, yet feels the desire to keep on trying to make it work, this spell can assist. By no means should one banish another person, and the negative emotions between them, without seriously looking at the situation and determining that relations should cease.
This working can help invoke the energies of acceptance and forgiveness. Even if we feel hurt from the separation, odds are that the other person feels it too. Even in cases where the ex has severely mistreated his or her partner, acceptance and forgiveness still deserve to be felt. These emotions can be exceedingly difficult but are necessary for the sake of moving on and learning the life lessons of the separation.
This spell isn’t limited to romantic partnership. This working, or something similar, can also be performed in the case of failed friendship. This spell is not meant to curse or damn the other person, but is designed for the caster’s own emotional wellness and acceptance of the situation. More than anything, this spell is intended to help ease the lingering suffering associated with separation.
Breakups of all sorts happen for a million reasons. If both parties have decided, for whatever reason, that the puzzle pieces of “them” and “you” simply don’t fit, it should be acknowledged and moved past over time. Holding on to what is not meant to be is unhealthy and can promote obsessive tendencies.
If you are the one who decided to break off the relationship or friendship, take some time to analyze your reasons and decide if you are truly making the wisest decision. If the other person disagrees with the separation, it might be a good idea to try communicating with them even more, ensuring that they reach a place of understanding. If the situation is opposite, try to accept the other person’s decision for now, even if you don’t understand it. Decide how best to communicate with them in order to come to greater realizations.
Stepping Back & Further Application
Because cases of separation are so individual, personal, and based on a massive amount of relationship factors, it’s difficult to comment on such a situation in a general sense. Whatever the details, it’s necessary for the person performing this spell to step back from the situation and examine it without emotional attachment.
See what went wrong. Are you jumping to conclusions? Maybe there’s more to the situation than is being perceived, and maybe you’re not clearly seeing the other person’s intentions. If you are a highly sensitive person, be aware that you may be propagating much more drama and heartache than really exists. When heavy emotions come into play, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and see things in a skewed light.
Remember that there are two sides to every story. If you feel victimized, realize that such a mentality can lead to bitterness and the holding of grudges. “Victim mentality” is disempowering and is a way to skirt around the real issue. Feeling victimized can cause withdrawal and mistrust, which will naturally inhibit future interactions and activities. It’s a must to see how you have emotionally responded to the situation and make certain that an increase in negative behavior (including self-deprecating views) doesn’t come about as a result. It’s also necessary to not cultivate an expectation of these types of breakups. If we expect and anticipate always being screwed over and wounded, that’s the exact thing that will result.
If there are legal entanglements to the situation, please make sure that everything is reported and recorded. Additionally, are you relying on friends or other people for emotional support? Sometimes the easiest way to work through something is to discuss it with those you can trust.
• a black candle
• a sterile lancet or pricking device to extract blood
• a tight-sealing glass jar
• enough red wine to fill the jar
• a small amount of apple cider vinegar
• 7 red roses
• a boline or serrated-edged knife
• 7 Witches’ burrs (see Notes)
• 1 stone each of aventurine, chrysocolla, chrysoprase, garnet, and rose quartz
• any combination of the herbs bleeding heart flower, cinquefoil, feverfew, foxglove, gardenia, lavender, lemon myrtle, rosemary, thistle, and yarrow
• a handful of whole cloves
• coffin nails or rusted nails (see Notes)
• pins, needles, and shattered glass
• Coffin nails are generally a component of baneful magick and have a rich history in Hoodoo and other magickal systems. However, they (or any nail) can also be imbued with properties of “fixing down” energies or sealing a spell. An iron nail is preferable because of its energetic properties; real coffin nails (those formerly used to affix a coffin lid) are a rarity!
• A burr is a seed or fruit that is covered in thorns or sticky spiked hairs. These balls of spikes can be imbued with extreme protection or baneful force. Burrs from any plant can be used, but the more durable varieties seem to carry the most force. (If a burr is particularly sticky, prickly, or painful to the touch, it’s said to hold stronger magickal potency.)
Begin by casting a circle, calling the quarters, chanting, or raising energy as you normally would, performing protective exercises, and altering your consciousness. Clear your mind, bring focus to your breath, and meditate for at least a few minutes. When ready, begin the spell.
Light the candle and, with the lancet or pricking device, draw a drop of blood from the ring finger of your left hand. Squeeze it into the bottom of the jar.
Next, add a small amount of wine, followed by a splash of apple cider vinegar. Declare:
This represents the spilled and bitter blood of my heart.
Grab the roses and sever their heads. Take the knife or boline and cut off every thorn from the roses, ensuring that each thorn falls into the bottle. Say:
The pain of love broken: banished to this vessel.
Hold the candle upside-down and allow 7 drips of wax to enter the bottle. Set the candle back down and add the 7 Witches’ burrs. Next, add the stones as well as the combination of herbs and declare:
My heart has been broken. My heart has been torn. This concoction is the wreckage of my connection with [Name]. I accept this. I move past this. I hereby release these torments of mind and emotion.
Dump the cloves into the jar, followed by the coffin nails, broken glass, pins, needles, and other similar items. State:
I banish and remove this emotional obstacle. No more shall I feel this pain!
Fill the jar the rest of the way up with the wine, cap it tightly, and shake the jar vigorously. While you are shaking, chant the following a number of times:
Mixed up, shaken up, torn up, broken up. I sever this pain from my heart!
Hold the jar to your heart and slowly pull it away, envisioning a green cord be
tween your heart chakra and the bottle. When this is clearly seen, take the boline or knife and sever the energetic cord between yourself and the jar. Push the severed energy into the bottle, and the other half of the energy back into your heart chakra. When this is finished, close the circle as you normally would.
Take the jar to the freezer and set it inside. Say:
With this, I release my attachments. I banish all sadness, anger, jealousy, and self-pity associated with this experience. If love is lost, I allow it. I banish, I let go. I accept.
Slam the freezer door and write down the exact time of day it currently is. Mark your calendar for precisely 49 hours from then (which is 2 days and 1 hour) and return to the jar at that time.
When you’ve returned to the jar, take it from the freezer, look at it briefly, and drop it in the trash can. Seal the spell by saying:
As an icicle falls and shatters, so does the thorn in my heart. Onward I tread, having gained from that experience. Banished. Released. Forgiven. Healed. So mote it be.
Many practitioners have an extreme amount of power and spiritual awareness, yet lack a key magickal component: love for the self. This element of healthy human functioning is vital for spiritual and magickal folk. If the self is not accepted, a host of issues can surface. Ever mind the age-old saying that the healer must first be healed themselves.
Society encourages shame. This shame, generally, is manipulated to convince people to buy products, pills, and procedures that alter inner reality or outward appearance. Feeling guilty, ugly, ashamed, embarrassed, untalented, or otherwise less than others is a way for marketers to milk us for all the money we’re worth. With personal insults coming at us from all angles—often covertly and undetected—it’s no wonder America is a nation that despises itself.
From insecurity and the disapproval of self comes the deprecation of others. Simple psychology rules this one: misery loves company. The empathy of feeling another person’s suffering is somehow reassuring to the mind—even if it means dragging them to that place to feel it.
If you have determined that a lack of self-love is the cause of some of your issues, you may wish to try the following simple spell, and repeat it as many times as necessary.
The embracing of universal love is a personal and social virtue, and is something that great religions and mystical sects have encouraged throughout time. Feeling love for even the most wicked, maligned, and evil person might seem counterintuitive, but can be the very thing that helps them change their ways. Loving nature, God (however one sees God), animals, humans, and the world and absolutely everything in it is exercising compassion at its finest. It may seem idealistic or unrealistic, but undiluted, overwhelming love can shine through the darkest of experiences, even if it takes serious time and emotional work to reach such a point.
Before one can truly feel universal love, one must love oneself. It’s easy to accept everyone but ourself, but it’s this lack of self-appreciation that keeps us from feeling universal love to its full extent. Many people agree that you cannot truly love another unless you love yourself.
Stepping Back & Further Application
This spell is only one step in truly cultivating love for oneself. As this is accomplished over time, you must look at the reasons why you might not be feeling self-love. How are you “flawed” in your eyes, and why do you feel that way? Are these your own criticisms, or are they simply extensions of society’s judgments? Are you surrounding yourself with people who promote love?
It’s necessary to separate from the judgment of others in order to see if your views originate from yourself or from common cultural opinions. Are these conclusions you’ve come to on your own, or are you only reciting “learned” perceptions? Do you not feel worth and value for yourself only because you believe that others don’t feel it? If so, do they unconsciously not value you because you don’t value yourself?
What steps can you take in healthfully changing yourself to better fit your ideal self? Do you even need to change in the ways you think you do (think that one over well), and will these changes really make you love yourself more—or will you only find other things that are “wrong” with you as a result? Are you seeking approval from others instead of finding it for yourself? If so, do the work to pull back that energy instead of giving it away to the perception of others. Love yourself for who you are now, not for who you think you “should” be. The ideal self can much more easily be stepped into once you first love yourself for who you are, as you are.
• any combination of the herbs catnip, flax, ginseng, life everlasting, thyme, rose, rosemary, sunflower, and vervain
• 2 large mixing bowls
• a pot of freshly boiled water
• 1 cup of sea salt
• a couple feet of cheesecloth
• a bathtub or shower
• The “Blessed be” chant used within is a variation of traditional Wicca’s Fivefold Kiss. Please note the [bracketed] words; the first word is what women performing this rite are to say, and the second word is what men are to say. Please note that “formed in perfect beauty” (referring to women’s breasts) and “formed in perfect strength” (referring to a man’s chest) is not meant to imply that women’s breasts aren’t strong and a man’s chest isn’t beautiful. This gender division is found in the traditional Wiccan Fivefold Kiss. You can alter it or stick to the original.
No circle needs to be cast for this spell. Instead, raise energy around you in your bathroom. Clear your mind, bring focus to your breath, and meditate for at least a few minutes. When ready, begin the spell.
With the combination of herbs placed in one of the bowls, pour the boiling water on top. In the empty mixing bowl, place the sea salt.
Look into your eyes in the mirror and gaze at yourself—without glancing away—for at least a full minute. Though this may take several attempts, when accomplished, speak very loudly:
I am perfect. I am sacred. I am beautiful. I am love.
Strip naked and dip your right hand in the herbal brew (making sure it’s cool enough to touch). Anoint both feet with the water and say:
Blessed be my feet, that have brought me in these ways.
Dip your right hand in the water and anoint both knees. Say:
Blessed be my knees, that shall kneel before the sacred altar.
Dip your right hand in the water and anoint the genital area. Say:
Blessed be my [womb/phallus], without which we would not be.
Dip your right hand in the water and anoint the breasts. Say:
Blessed be my [breasts/chest], formed in perfect [beauty/strength].
Dip your right hand in the water and anoint your mouth. Say:
Blessed be my lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names.
Through the shadows I summon perfect beauty.
Through the shadows I summon perfect love.
Through the shadows I summon perfection.
My body is a vessel of perfect beauty.
My body is a vessel of perfect love.
My body is a vessel of perfection.
Look into your eyes in the mirror and say the following very loudly and with much strength:
I am love. I am beautiful. I am sacred. I am perfect.
I am perfect. I am sacred. I am beautiful. I am love.
Hold the cheesecloth over the bowl of steeping herbs. Using caution, pour the water from the bowl into the bowl with the salt. Now that you have a bowl of “tea,” draw yourself a warm bath. Though not as powerful, you can turn on the shower if yo
u’d rather.
When the bath is created, pour the “tea” into the water before stepping in the tub. If you are running a shower, wait until the brew is cool enough to dump on your head (do this first thing when you enter the shower).
During the process of the bath or shower, repeat the words “I am love” over and over again. Say them fast, slow, in a high pitch, in a low and resounding chant, and so on. Play with the words and say them repeatedly throughout.
After 5 or 10 minutes, step out and approach the fogged mirror (if the mirror is not fogged, fog it by using your hot breath).
In the area of the face, draw a giant heart with the Venus symbol in the middle. Look in your eyes and, once again, say the full “I am love” chant (above), ending with a very loud:
So mote it be!
Zodiacal rulership: None
Color association: Gold, Green-Brown
(or Ochre, Olive, Russet, Black)
Sephira: Malkuth
Number: 10
Day: None
Archetypes: Earth Mother
Themes: Grounding, stability, health, abundance, manifestation,
prosperity, life, death, the physical plane
Holistic body health is of utmost importance for those seeking balance. From the foundation of the frame (the physical body), other planes of existence can be explored. Being as healthy as possible allows for the mind to bring focus to other aspects of reality beyond the mere physical system. At the same time, many people who legitimately suffer from long-term illnesses and disorders are highly spiritually aware and metaphysically functioning. It boils down to what one does with their predicament, and how one works with the imbalance in their body. Though some imbalances are out of our control (such as genetic factors, lasting physical injuries of the past, and so on), it’s up to us to make the most of our situation and ensure the best health possible for ourself.
The following spell is designed for instigating healing of the physical body. Obviously, it should not be used as a substitute for legitimate medical care, but as a complement to other steps you are taking toward greater health.