Planetary Spells & Rituals Read online

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  Your past experiences of love influence your present perception of it. When performing this working, try your best to put aside perceptions of the past and simply call forth pure love for what it is. Drawing on past experiences can only serve to help them repeat in the future.

  In the end, remember to do the follow-up work. Visit places where a potential lover may be, browse profiles online, make an effort to talk to people you find interesting, get involved with local community groups and spiritual centers . . . do the work and have fun doing it!


  • a burin or another candle-carver

  • 2 red taper candles

  • lavender essential oil (not “fragrant” oil)

  • a yellow permanent marker and a black permanent marker

  • a large sheet of green paper

  • 2 lodestones with lodestone dust (aka magnetic sand or lodestone food)

  • 1 rose quartz and 1 bloodstone (or carnelian)

  • Mixture 1: an additional, separate herb or herbs (see Notes)

  • Mixture 2: any combination of the herbs anise, bloodroot, cardamom, caraway, cherry bark, cinnamon, orris root, rosehips, snakeroot, and vervain as well as a good amount of powdered (confectioner’s) sugar

  • a red flannel drawstring bag


  • This spell is not focused on casting a love spell on another person in particular. To perform love magick on another without their consent opens a whole new—and very big—can of karmic worms. Manipulating the free will of another is a type of black magick and should be used for defensive workings only, not a love spell. Instead, this spell is designed to summon a lover but no one person in particular.

  • For the second herb: If summoning a male specifically, use powdered sugar, calamus (sweet flag), milk thistle, sprouts, and/or lavender. If summoning a female, use powdered sugar, Venus flytrap, red raspberry leaf or fruit, a red flower, and/or rose petals. If gender is unimportant, use an equal combination of lavender and rosehips added to powdered sugar.


  Begin by casting a circle, calling the quarters, chanting, or raising energy as you normally would, performing protective exercises, and altering your consciousness. Clear your mind, bring focus to your breath, and meditate for at least a few minutes. When ready, begin the spell.

  Using the burin, carve symbols 8 and 9 on both candles. Inscribe each symbol 7 times on each taper. Additionally, carve any number of hearts and pentagrams all over both candles. When finished, anoint both candles with the lavender oil, covering them completely. Light the candles.

  With the yellow marker, draw symbol 8 on the paper. Hold your hands over the paper and say:

  Star of Venus, stars above,

  bring two souls together in love.

  In perfect love and perfect trust,

  seal this bond between us.

  Put both lodestones in the bag. Add the lodestone dust and say:

  Magnetic stones and sands of time,

  I am [his/hers] and [he/she] is mine.

  Drop the other stones in the bag and drizzle a bit of the lavender oil inside. Add Mixture 1 and repeat the following 7 times:

  Venus brings you to me.

  Bound in the love we both deserve to feel,

  this celebration of each other is now made real.

  Venus brings me to you.

  With the black marker, draw symbol 9 over the top of the other symbol on the paper, in the middle of the sheet. Scatter Mixture 2 all over the paper. Take 7 pinches of this mixture (from the paper) and place it in the bag. Tie the bag and place it in the very center of the sheet.

  Picking up one burning candle in each hand, turn them at an angle so their dipping wax meets together on the bag. As the wax drips onto the bag (and paper/herbs), repeat the following chant numerous times until the candles are burned halfway down:

  [He/she] is now drawn to me.

  By the Star of Venus, so mote it be.

  When you set the candles back down, cup your hands over the bag and invoke the feeling of love within you. Smile and feel adored. Imagine yourself gazing into the eyes of another (but not anyone in particular), blissed out with admiration for each other. Feel yourself being safe and secure, happy and fulfilled. Continue to feel this for a few minutes, visualizing the bag glowing in brilliant reds and greens.

  When finished, give thanks to Venus and close the circle as you normally would. Allow the candles to burn all the way down and scatter the herbs on the paper to the wind. Hang the bag somewhere outside of your house where it will remain touched by the elements, yet invisible to wandering eyes. After hanging the bag, burn the green paper and declare:

  By the Fire of Love—come to me! So it shall be!

  Disagreements in life are inevitable. Even the most calm, centered, conciliatory, nonjudgmental person can’t avoid the occasional dispute. Though such a person’s response to dealing with disagreement might be better tempered, one cannot avoid the occasional tiff.

  Arguments, discrepancies, and quarrels result from misunderstandings or differences of opinion. Though everyone has the right to an opinion, it doesn’t mean that we’re going to agree with them all the time. A quarrel can last as long as either party chooses, or until they simply “agree to disagree.”

  Disagreements can also have very positive effects. Sometimes it takes intense exchanges to really learn the views of those you associate with. Approaching one’s interactions with others should be from a place of balance: not too passive nor too extroverted, not too quick to agree nor too quick to oppose, not too quiet nor too loud, and so on. Balance encourages more balance and inspires others to interact similarly.

  When effectively interacting with another person, each party has to make an effort to understand the other person’s perspective. Every interaction in life carries the potential to be a learning experience.

  Far too often, people approach disputes with a competitive view. In reality, life is not a game of competition; such blatantly animalistic behavior is, I believe, selfish and unevolved. While it’s easy to compete in the “who’s right, who’s wrong” game, much fear and greed can result.

  If you find yourself post-argument with a friend, relative, lover, or anyone else, this spell may be an ideal option to encourage an energetic bond of forgiveness and unity.

  Peace and understanding are noble goals and should be at the top of everyone’s list of priorities (especially world leaders and other people in power). When approaching this spell, be sure not to focus on the disagreement at hand, but the peace you are striving to attain.

  This spell greatly assumes that you, the caster, have come to a place of peace and forgiveness, and wish to encourage the other person to do the same.

  Stepping Back & Further Application

  When analyzing the disagreement, determine whether it was caused from a misunderstanding or a difference of opinion. If caused by a miscommunication of some type, think about ways it can be resolved. Have you tried to clear things up with the person over the phone, in person, or by a letter or email? What, precisely, was misunderstood, and how can you best communicate with them? If the issue is a matter of differing opinion, can you strive to see the other person’s viewpoint? Can you communicate your opinions, and the reasons behind them, in different ways than you have? What non-magickal steps can you take toward resolution?

  Regardless of who was being irrational and to what degree, coming to a peaceful place on the issue can support you and the other person constructively discussing the point being disagreed upon. However, if both of your views are clarified and there is still disagreement, can you agree to disagree? While it’s probably the last possible option, keep in mind that some disagreements are so big and unshakable that parting ways with the person (for a period of time or for good) is the best decision that could be made. As
hard as it is, this is sometimes the case with large disputes.

  Finally, keep in mind that disputes take time to heal. The more open both parties are to healing, the faster this can occur. Performing this spell can aid in the healing process, and can encourage both you and the other person to calm down, take a step back, and reconsider the value of your connection.


  • 1 pink candle

  • your own hair and fingernail clippings

  • a tight-sealing glass jar

  • more than enough brewed catnip tea (cooled) to fill the jar

  • the “essence” of the other person (see Notes)

  • honey

  • 1 cup of raw cane sugar

  • an ice cube

  • a ballpoint pen

  • a sheet of parchment paper

  • dove’s blood ink

  • 1 rose quartz stone

  • a separate dish of valerian root

  • any combination of the herbs broom, cinquefoil, damiana, dandelion, foxglove, High John the Conqueror, mugwort, myrrh, pennyroyal, and rowan (mountain ash)


  • The “essence” of a person, also called ousia, is anything that carries their energy pattern, including DNA (such as hair, fingernail clippings, and excretions), or that has come in contact by the person (this is the Law of Contagion, and can include a person’s possession, footprint, handwriting, and so forth). A person’s essence can also be tapped into by creating a picture or poppet of the person, or by simply writing their name and focusing on them.


  Begin by casting a circle, calling the quarters, chanting, or raising energy as you normally would, performing protective exercises, and altering your consciousness. Clear your mind, bring focus to your breath, and meditate for at least a few minutes. When ready, begin the spell.

  Light the candle and add your hair and fingernail clippings to the empty jar. Add a splash of the catnip tea and say:

  I have entered equanimity.

  I have entered release.

  I have entered forgiveness.

  I have entered peace.

  Add the essence of the other person and say:

  I now encourage you to do the same.

  Add a drizzle of honey and a handful of sugar. Say:

  Sweeten up, [Name]! AREB!

  Add the ice cube. Say:

  Chill out, [Name]! AREB!

  Putting the pen to paper, write your name 7 times and the other person’s name 7 times. Fold this repeatedly until it’s a little ball and put it in the jar. Add the dove’s blood ink, saying:

  With the blood of peace, our dispute is no longer.

  Add the rose quartz and say:

  With the stone of heart, we are connected in compassion.

  Add the valerian and say:

  With the herb of mending, our dispute is pushed to earth.

  Put another dose of the tea into the jar, followed by a handful of the herbal mixture. Finally, add enough tea until the jar is filled to the brim. Cap the jar tightly.

  Turn the candle upside-down over the jar, allowing it to drip exactly 49 times onto the jar’s lid. Count the number of drips out loud.

  When finished, focus on the jar and visualize you and the other person laughing, joking, smiling, and getting along in agreement. Afterward, close the circle as you normally would.

  Put the completed spell in a plastic grocery bag and stick it inconspicuously in the back of the freezer, saying:

  This cools off our tempers and chills out our stress. AREB! So mote it be!

  When resolution is mutually accomplished, thaw the jar, dump all contents into flowing water, and throw the container in the trash.

  In the face of the law—whatever kind of law it may be—the truth of the situation is of utmost importance to understand.

  In terms of state or federal law, many thousands of people are convicted and punished for victimless crimes each year. America is the top-ranking nation for jail or prison incarceration, even exceeding China in its per capita inmate population. The rate of incarceration in the States is extreme, and the legal system seems anxious to convict. There’s a lot of money in it, after all.

  This sort of statistic is a prime example of America’s generally fear-based, power-hungry approach to life’s rules. As a result, people can sue anyone for anything—even the most trivial and commonsense issues—and win. Legal loopholes, fine print, and strict adherence to the written word of the law have greatly replaced the judicial approach of analyzing intention. When caught in a legal situation where intention should be made known, this spell may be of help.

  Laws are in place for social reasons. In many other countries, laws exist that do not have the best interest of the people in mind. The judiciary system is a complex beast. If you find yourself in the face of legal adversity, consider all angles of the situation before you decide how best to defend yourself.

  This spell isn’t designed only for those facing legal dispute on a state or federal level, and it can be adapted to people facing rule-based conflicts in a workplace, educational institution, and so on. If there is a pending meeting about your behavior, perform this spell beforehand. If someone is constantly tattling to the boss about your actions, or seems to want to get you in trouble, this spell can help bring clarity to the situation.

  Venus helps balance situations and lend an energy of social justice. The following spell is to encourage both your intention to be made known and the truth of a situation to come into clarity for all involved.

  Stepping Back & Further Application

  Though your well-being and reputation are at stake, be sure to take an objective stance to the legal situation. For what reasons did the opposing party get you in trouble? Analyze their intentions as well as your own. Are you demonizing the other party (be it the law, a coworker, boss, or administrator), or are you actively attempting to understand their views of the situation? What was your role in the situation, and are you fully admitting to any of your trespasses or mistakes? Taking responsibility is invaluable and proves that you have self-awareness.

  In order for this spell to work, the caster must desire truth to come about in the situation. This doesn’t mean that the caster should be free of any wrongdoing, but that they should be willing to fully admit to anything wrong on their own side. Additionally, one should be willing to understand how the opposing party came to their conclusion, even if it’s something you vehemently disagree with. Be careful not to overdefend yourself or severely criticize the other party. Instead, present your case clearly, with composure, and with the desire for others to understand the truth of the matter.

  We all have the right to defend ourselves. Luckily, it’s easy to learn from mistakes if one is open to change. Learning these lessons takes humility and a genuine understanding of what went wrong.


  • a gray candle

  • a large gray sheet of paper

  • a green pen or marker

  • the Justice card from a tarot deck (Rider-Waite, Thoth, Golden Dawn, or one similar is preferable because of astrological and Qabalistic correspondences)

  • 1 piece each of amber, bloodstone, and obsidian

  • Dr. Buzzard’s Court Case powder (see Notes)

  • Mixture 1: any combination of the herbs amber resin, aspen bark, cinquefoil, galangal (Low John root), High John the Conqueror root, and lucky hand root

  • Mixture 2: any combination of the herbs horehound, rosemary, and sage

  • Mixture 3: any combination of the herbs cedar, eyebright, and marigold


  • In the Thoth Tarot, the Justice card is renamed Adjustment.

  • The amber stone is actually petrified tree resin/sap.

• Dr. Buzzard’s Court Case powder can be obtained from a Hoodoo or magickal supply shop, and has a curious Southern legend behind its usage. For more information on its history (as well as to order it online), you may wish to check out As an alternative, simply substitute alum powder, which is available in bulk at many herbal and naturopathic shops.


  Begin by casting a circle, calling the quarters, chanting, or raising energy as you normally would, performing protective exercises, and altering your consciousness. Clear your mind, bring focus to your breath, and meditate for at least a few minutes. When ready, begin the spell.

  Light the candle and, on the back side of the paper, draw an enormous eye in green pen or marker. Flip the paper over and write every detail of the case you can think of. Write from an objective standpoint. Note any accusations being made, the time and date of the meeting or trial, and the names of all persons involved to any degree. Take as much time as you need, and read over the list multiple times to ensure that you’ve covered every detail.

  In the center of the paper, place the Justice card with the candle burning on top of it. Place the amber and obsidian at the base of the candle, touching both the card and the paper.

  Cup your hands around the candle and state:

  Here be the details of this issue.

  Sprinkle the Dr. Buzzard’s powder all over the paper, card, stone, and candle. Declare:

  With Buzzard as my witness and Venus as my judge, this dispute is illuminated in my favor.

  Sprinkle Mixture 1 in the same fashion. Say:

  Wicked words against me fall only on deaf ears.

  The laws are in my favor. Victory and justice are mine!

  Sprinkle Mixture 2 in the same way. Say:

  With this, I limit outside influence and judgment.

  With this, only the knowledge of truth enters.

  With this, I invoke common sense into all present in this matter.

  Sprinkle Mixture 3 in the same way. Say:

  Truth is Law, Law is Truth. Justice from all sides!

  May all see clearly the happenings and circumstance.